Tal Stanley – “Listening Well,” A Lesson in Collecting Stories and Oral History.

Smyth County Museum 123 East Main Street, Marion, VA, United States

Join us for the start of our 2024 Speaker Series and opening program. Dr. Tal Stanley, Professor of Civic Innovation at Emory & Henry College, will talk to us about the importance of collecting stories. Tal coordinates the "Watershed Project," a project that has the mission to restore to civic memory the stories of people...


Ben Jackson – “Finding Fingerprints”

Smyth County Museum 123 East Main Street, Marion, VA, United States

Ben Jackson has become an expert at detecting marks in handmade bricks that were left behind by their makers; enslaved workers. These 200 year old fingerprints serve as a solemn reminder of the legacy of slavery.


John Murray as “Lord Dunmore”

Settlers Museum of Southwest Virginia 1322 Rocky Hollow Road, Atkins, Virginia, United States

Michael Henningsen will be doing a program on "Lord Dunmore" at the Settlers Museum of Southwest Virginia. Michael will impersonate John Murray, 4th Earl of Dunmore and last royal governor of Virginia. He will display period weapons and talk about Lord Dunmore's War of 1774 and how it affected this area. Join them in learning...

David Rowlands 40/4 Chair – Erwin Roland

Smyth County Museum 123 East Main Street, Marion, VA, United States

Recently Erwin Rowland, wife of designer David Rowland, completed a book chronically the life and career of her husband, particularly as relates to his famous 40/4 chair. Erwin’s book chronicles the fascinating journey of Rowland’s iconic 40/4 chair, a revolutionary design that transformed the world of seating with its ability to stack forty chairs in...

Revolutionary War Patriot Monument Dedication – Royal Oak Cemetery

Royal Oak Cemetery Marion, Virginia, United States

Join the Royal Oak Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution for a monument dedication at Royal Oak Cemetery in Marion, Virginia. The monument honors the three Revolutionary War Patriots buried there. The event will take place on November 20th, 2024 at 2PM at the Royal Oak Cemetery - located on Highland Drive behind...